Horrible huey's ASTROLOGY horoscope heaven

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JULY: 2000
It's all about home, parents and family, and it is very trying; Mars in soppy Cancer has you being everybodies homemaker. Actually it has a lot to do with a shortage of funds also.
Recent optimism about increasing your cash flow now nudges you to expand throughout your local neighbourhood. The great communicator is reborn. Relatives, siblings and neighbours help you and provide avenues of opportunity and expansion. Local travel is beneficial.
With Mercury retrograde all plans will be in a turmoil, constantly changeing; do not take any thing as a final offer. Sign no contracts until July 17th. If you have to, double check all fine print and clauses. This especially applies to all home renovations, sales of the family home and also anything to do with parents and family.
The deep-seated urge to grapple with religious and philosophical themes, to confront stark reality, tolerating no shams or hypocrisy is at the base of your long-term transit of Pluto through your ninth House (Sagittarius). Foreigners, exotic countries, and mind-transforming theories all feed into this process that challenges your sense of survival. This is a good and not too difficult part of your life. Publishing, internet education, and legal overlays are involved.
Your circle of friends are unusual, original, musical, possibly very electronically connected and also inspirational in a mystical or artistic way. After the 20th of the month, romance and a fondness for showing off your children will become evident.
JUNE: 2000
Well the big lineup in your second house is mainly come and gone. However there are still some kicks left in the cat. You still have time spend big on gardening supplies, agricultural equipment, property or high end luxury goods. This is cash flow time, as Jupiter finally leaves Taurus. And when it is over you will still be left with Saturn there for another year paying off the costs. Quite possibly during the summer you will experience mobility or communication problems requiring some outlay that will set you back in a frugal mindset for another year.
As Spring has advanced you are likely to be out and about the neighbourhood much more now, discussing things with neighbours. Although this fits in quite wll with your overall objectives, there will be elements of primal survival tied in to the way you communicate, or the message that you are carrying. You will meet some people who react quite strongly to the message, whether it is ecological conservation, community by-laws, or some deep psychically psychological philosophy that you need or use to express your thoughts.
By mid-month, home and family issues take center stage as schools start to release their loads and mercury goes retrograde, crippling everyone's schedules.
Now is not a time of new difficulty, but of sorting out the aftermath of the past years major aspects. July will see struggles through romantic misadventures, children, sports and investments.
MAY: 2000
It's all about money this month; cash flow, resources and values. Unfortunately there is likely to be some very suspect reasoning and mental processes concerning your goals, and routes to gaining those goals. Your very practical needs to augument the finances is in conflict with highly spiritual aspirations. How to make a buck out of dreams, visions and Art. The conflict an artist always has in needing to bring that Art down to the corner bank and trade it off for food and rent. The great compromise between matter and Spirit. The results are somewhat patchy as you take one step forward and then one step back. Persistence and reliability will pay off. Slow and steady, plan for the years, not a quick summer thing. Taurus, your second house is all about quality, endurance and simplicity. Give value. Be prepared to shake the tree, make changes, get with the new Millenium. You will be out and about the neighbourhood much more this month, especially after the 8th of May. You will be more outspoken in communications from then on also. Noisy relatives and neighbours, especially brothers or uncles. Barbeque season. Compulsions surround philosophical issues of faith, foreigners, and higher education. Your friends are a very metaphysical bunch, many musicians, artistic and technological or New Age. If it were not for this money thing, Life would be beautiful. Come to think about it Life is beautiful. You need to incorporate a deeper respect for the freedom that money allows.
April: 2000
Happy Birthday. Finances are a key part of this month's outlook. You might be spending as you await a delayed payment, there is a duality about the cashflow that indicates a two-headed situation, in one part there is optimism and expansion, and the other is about frugality, thrift and shortage or delays. Probably two separate but linked processes. Perhaps you have a bid on a property contingent on the sale of another property. Although you are confident, until the sale closes and you have the bucks, you are in worrying mode.
You will be very communicative all month, and will seem to be generating an attractive and positive calming effect through your personality.
Your hopes and goals in life are undergoing many changes, as is your circle of friends, among whom are the strange and eccentric (and genius), as well as the musical and spiritually inclined. A certain desire to explore the world in the raw, through transformative foreign adventures, or psychological/philosophical studies of the deep mysteries in life.
March 20 - 26: 2000
Really loud and proud the first of the week, then a sincere spender for the rest. Cash flow extrordinaire, or so it would seem by your profligate expenditures. Although they could be quite justified, their payment is based on credit or dreams. You are still in a learning curve as far as financial self-discipline is concerned. Rigourous attention to thrift, to the concrete details of balancing accounts so that the procedure becomes automatic is what you have to get control of. Even though a major, year long period of financial expansion and speculation has passed the bubble stage; for those who have learned the basics, there is no popping sound. The main problem now until the end of the summer is that your desire for freedom of action, to get out of the rut, if indeed you have allowed yourself to fall into one. You will face challenges to break out of rigid routines, especially of having to make money, but you are spending so fast that you are locking yourself into the one thing that draws you away from the open road, having to earn an income. Unexpected technological changes will negatively impact your career. It's never too late, even though this scenario will play out early this summer, to get on the techno-wagon. Most Aries, since they like to be first at everything are usually as up on technology as anybody. If for some reason you are not, even short computer or other technology courses could be the difference between making the cut, or not.
You will start to crave excitement this spring, and may become financially reckless where your personal goals are concerned. You will probably get really irritated and rebellious if you feel that some one or thing is standing between you and freedom. However that is between now and June. The short term sees you physically outside more, but your intellectual and emotional bodies are still hidden, processing behind the scenes. Wednesday and Thursday sees irritations and upsets over other people's handling of your financial affairs.
March 13-19: 2000
Still very assertive and personally energetic, possibly having started a physical exercise program or new job that requires, leadership and initiative. This is right up your alley, action and excitement, anything to stave off boredom. If you managed to get past the last few weeks raving lack of caution where money and your goals in life were concerned, and can hang on still until Tuesday evening (EST), then would start to be a good time to sign contracts, make agreements and generally trust that what you hear, understand and say, is the same as what other believe is happening. Also by now, serious contradictions in previously made deals will now start to show. There is still a spendthrift feeling, of over- and misplaced confidence, perhaps greed or exultation over a large cashflow. Be advised that your financial restrictions are not over until you thoroughly have integrated the thrift and practical attention to money matters that has been a main learning curve for you this past two years.
If possible a weekend retreat anytime this month, to recharge and put you back in touch with the raw wilderness will do wonders for you. The perspective of Nature with out all the people to complicate things, is a refreshment for Aries, who are by nature, direct. If you cannot go to the country, try for musical refreshers, with songs and dance and a touch of religion. Music soothes the savage beast.
There is still some relentless fascination with some foreign affair or matter. Some issue with some other people's philosophies or religious outlook. You maybe drawn to a foreign culture or customs. Since this is a long-term situation, lasting until 2008, you would do well to beard the lion; either learn a foreign language, take a university course or degree in a foreign location, or involve your-self in life changing psychotherapy.
March 6 - 12: 2000
Strong sense of self asserts itself, even through quite usual and expected for Aries, you will notice an increase this month of the urge to move, to start, to get active; initiating, pioneering and leadership all play a role.This is somewhat at odds with a penchant for being behind the scenes; for hidden activities and a desire to withdraw somewhat and recharge. Hidden enemies and unconscious self-deception will cause bad communications. Monday morning there is some strong controlling or transformative emotions concerning women in general, or perhaps a sick mother. Affairs of a foreign nature, foreign travel, educational or philosophical issues impact on whatever vulnerability Aries have. But by Tuesday evening your straight again.
Your unusual circle of strange cyber-Tek and mystical musician friends are an important part of your ongoing effort to develop a gameplan for your future. This gameplan, at the moment is tied in with a possibly very greedy financial set of values that is unrealistic in that it may insufficiently give real roots to your personal spiritual life. There is a possibility of spending yourself into debt, and otherwise making undisciplined value judgements.
The transformative energy is through religion, publishing, law, philosophy, foreign cultures and new philosophies. This is where issues from you past are resurfacing
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