Horrible huey's astrology horoscope heaven

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JULY: 2000
It is going to get better, real soon. Try not to let the expansion settle around the waist. Opportunity, confidence and personal growth are on the immediate increase as Jupiter crosses into Gemini at the end of June. There are still lingering unconscious fears for another year or so, but if you wisely and gently make good choices in your avenues of expansion, when Saturn follows into Gemini next year, it will only consolidate and validate your growth. If however you foolishly squander your opportunities, then Saturn will challenge and test all your positions, and break any bonds that you are unable to sustain.
Money and values are of major importance this month, especially before the 15th, with five planets in Cancer, your second house of possessions and finances. Of special note for Gems is Mercury retrograde before the 17th of July. This is in Cancer your second house, which means that you should be extra careful about signing any financial contracts before the 17th. You must check carefully all small print, double check all clauses, preferably delay signing. It is about pressure and deadlines, necessity that is forcing you to speed up some decision making and causing you to overlook details that are necessary for a good decision.
After the 15th local travel, commuting, communications and brothers/sisters and neighbours come to the fore in importance.
Partners, consultants and open enemies seem to have you by the short and curlies, they manage to stir you up on a visceral level, evoking images of survival and staring down the crack of doom. This transit of Pluto could involve death or transformation of a partner, it is a long term transit and has mostly affected Geminis born before the 2nd of June. Later Gems will come closer to the affect over the next seven years. To facilitate the passing of this transit, try to and deepen your understanding of the world through religion, philosophy and travel. It is possible that you are too narrow, or more likely too broad but shallow in those experiences that give you the perspective on which to base wise decisions. You are probably
undergoing original and New Age changes in your philosophical outlook, and there is a mystic /spiritual or drug/alcohol based component to your religious or worldview beliefs. Mazel tov.
JUNE: 2000
Happy Birthday! even if it was in May. This is a very active month for you, with four planets staring off in Gemini. Especially around the first of the month there will be some gut-level responses to your partner(s) probing and investigative questioning. You will feel them commanding or willing you to respond to them which is likely to tee you off. Almost as much as around that weekend of the 20th May, when anger, malice and spite; three of the ugly sons of Fear visited you.
Around the 23rd of June, your ruling planet Mercury will go retrograde signalling three weeks of necessary extra attention to detail and fine print. Try not to make any life changing decisions, sign any contracts or make travel plans during this time. Either better deals will come along, or you will discover information that will make you have to redo the deal or work at a disadvantage. Usually it is disruptions such as summer vacations, putting pressure on you by way of daycare and extra planning that throws problems your way. However you might also be trying to close on a property, or some other deadline or pressure causes you to overlook details that you will regret later. This time around the retrograde will fall in your house of finances. The check is in the mail, yeah, right. Better stock up on groceries and necessities. Idealism and daydreaming about foreign places, and a very mystical and unstructured concept of religious ideas, going directly to Source, are some of the ways that you are bypassing conventional philosophical tongue-wagging. You are very much into New Age, it works for you, because Geminis are not fixed people; they are very adaptable to new ideas. Watch out for manipulative professional agents, such as lawyers, casting agents and other people whom you consult in a business capacity. They want to unduly influence you. They may have unsavoury ties to the underworld. They will be in your face.
MAY: 2000
The month starts off slowly, There are a lot of things causing you to be behind the scenes, reclusive, introspective. Take things easy, do some quiet relaxing and soothing stuff. If you are already in hospital, enjoy the food; if not, try to to not go there. There is unconscious over-extension, over-positive expansion that must be directed properly. Deceptive financial dealings, confused emotions related to higher wisdom, advanced learning, university, philosophy, Law, Publishing and foreign countries and cultures. Lying and very mistaken mental and communication activities take place the first week. Some Gems will end up in the clink. Be careful that you do not do yourself in, emotionally, spiritually or physically. By the 8th you will be much more assertive, noisy and outspoken.
From then on the momentum builds as you become more confident and outward-looking. There is a dual gloom and golden confidence in your unconscious mind, if you are working solidly to foster your personal best value system, by September when Jupiter crosses into Gemini, you will reap much benefit.
Your partners will easily push all your buttons, triggering survival instincts such as kill or flee, this is especially evident from about the 18th to the end of the month. You still have a couple of years to get a grip on the technology that affects your career. About 2004 sudden and disruptive changes will occur in your career or social status. Unless you have prepared, accepted and learned a New Age or technological higher level skill, you will be rudely shocked when Uranus passes into Pisces. Try grafixArtz, or streaming video, or a really Aquarian type religious revival.
April: 2000
This is a period of introspection and possible isolation, when some of the grimmer aspects of endings come in to focus. If you are not undergoing hospitalization or some form of incarceration, there may be unconscious thoughts and fears of being alone, of being abandoned, such as if a parent is dying. This will last a few more months. There is also some simultaneous optimism and expansion through this same area of hidden or behind the scenes activities. Hidden enemies and self-undoing play a large part in your psyche .
Your circle of friends, professional networking organizations, community politics and your goals in life all benefit this month from your leadership and initiative. You will seem to be very talkative in those areas, and may very well meet l'amour there also. A good time to party.
Artistic ability and sensibility, as well as the techno-touch will do you well in the career world. Now is the time to get any type of higher education, and a broaden your worldview. Even travelling, or philosophies, New Age or foreign religions, technical computer grafix, you will need to get into the new knowledge streams by graduation spring of 2003. At that time Sudden and disruptive career activities will occur, if you have obeyed the Boy Scouts marching Song "Be Prepared", you will lift-off into a new career path; if you have neglected to deepen your knowledge systems, you are toast.
Personal and business partners still seem to be able to pull all your strings, especially professional consultants, like doctors, lawyers and consultants. They seem to hold the cards.
March 20 - 26: 2000
The pressure must have eased up a little, in the career and your social status areas of life. The public perception of you as being unreliable (at worst) or romantic escapist and impractical and obtuse communicator moves on, how quickly and where to depends on how many feet you had in your mouth over the last three or four weeks. Try to steady up, and stick with a few well chosen ideas. Gem's superfluid ability to touch more bases than a chemist means that none of them really get the successful attention that you deserve.
There is a fluctuating optimism operating in your sub-conscious mind that is at odds with, but quite welcome to, a sense of impending loss or isolation. Possibly the loss of a parent/family, career, home or partner, the four pillars of life, even though not yet a conscious fear, you know that events indicate that there is real reason to be afraid. Not that it actually will happen, some troubles are able to be averted or delayed. From July 2000 to July 2001, a major increase in optimism, growth and opportunity will precede a longer two year period of difficult self-restraint. Actually from September 2000 until June 2003, you will be required to pay strict attention to the practical realities of time, schedules and work. This may be while you have an extreme lack of confidence and may also be physically restricted in some way. Having got fat in 2001, you may decide to diet. However this is far in the future. The short term is for a week that highlights many communications and short journies concerning career, public speaking, teaching. You will look good as a presenter, and seem to be a promoter of unity at work. There may be some hidden enemies among co-workers, and you should also guard against visits to the hospital because of fights, fevers or throat afflictions.
Partners are still able to get to you. they just seem to be able to get on that frequency that is able to control and manipulate you. Actually be careful for the rest of this month, off and on there is going to be some scuffling. Especially Wednesday/Thursday/Friday the 22nd March over finances and emotions and then, if I do not mention it again, on the 30th and 31st, mostly ruthless verbal exchanges(attacks).
March 13-19: 2000
Keep your shirt on until the end of the week, then you can go forward on all the plans you have been working on in the career and social status areas. The constant backtracking and mistaken intentions, as well as confusing communications of the last three weeks comes to an end between Tuesday night and Friday. There is still opportunity for self-delusionary images of your importance, possibly culturally or religion-based. Be wary of inflated unconscious assumptions. If you can use all this energy for a cruise through the Holy Land, wherever that may be in your books, Israel or Graceland, wherever; try to bring genuine compassion, appreciation for those who have suffered for our present state of fullness. This is a good period to learn about foreign film, music, art and dancing. As well as exotic religions and philosophies. Travel abroad by water is indicated over the next seven years, probably this is a dream of yours over the past two years. There should be opportunities for romance and filthy lucre through your career world, this month as you will present yourself graciously and smoothly, spreading harmony and good vibrations through kindness and using intuition to heal by gentleness.
Agents, partners, all consultants and partners seem to have you by the short and curlies. Everything they say and do seems predicated to get your goat. they seem to want to control you. Some of them do, some of them really have no idea what you are talking about. You are just setting yourself up. For instance if you are using language beyond which you are really capable of wielding, and someone continues on at that level which is above your head, it is likely that you will think that they are making fun of you, where they have only assumed, by your initial speechifying, that you are capable of dialoguing with them at that level. So you be hoist wit' your petard, non?
Scuse my French, they are not very polite.Your intimate relationships undergo upheavals. You and your partner are undergoing a transformation which is forcing you to change your outlook on your personal relationships. Now you are being forced to face your relationship with complete honesty. It is important that you face your loved one, and any business partnerships, with integrity.
March 6 - 12: 2000
First of all, continue to review and research contracts, not sign them. Wait until March 15th to do that. In the meantime, assume you have made a mistake, you are not quite sure what kind, and go look for it in your paperwork. Mis-communications and transportation snafus are the most likely place to expect unclear messages or delays and mistakes. In general though this period has, is and will continue to be a source of undisciplined self-indulgence, spendthrift exultation and unconscious presumptuous self-importance. Tread warily, the rubberband may slip off your motor.
Now is a good time to try to understand original spiritual influences. New Age or Traditional religions and music and dance, as well as exotic philosophies; they all have a little something to them or they would not have continued to this day, like astrology. But suddenly and zealously spouting transitory and little researched views is too, too Geminian. There is sure to be a career focus this week, as talks based on nothing go nowhere. Nothing wrong with dreams, it's just that some people talk a good dream, period. This past Sunday was probably a day of intense introspection of your career and social status, it will continue all week, and more. But plans made will come undone, so do not believe every thing you hear, see or say.
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