
Horrible huey's astrology horoscope heaven


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JUNE: 2000

Home/family and career started off the month with a lot of intense arguments over relationships or money/values. It will lighten up a bit but the fallout will linger for the entire month. After the 15th, children's affairs, cuddly romantic situations, and showing off your domestic creations will start to take on more importance. Any restrictions, delays or fears you have in communicating or mobility and commuting, such as car problems, phone/fax/computer breakdowns, even difficulty expressing your thoughts, will continue for another year yet. This area, which includes responsibilities you have to shoulder for your brothers and sisters, other kin, and neighbours; is one where you are required to learn some hard facts of life. You have to learn to deal in pracyicalities and realities. If you are in a carpool, you have certain obligations and responsibilities. If you are undergoing knee surgery, you will have to pay attention to details of locomotion that the rest of us do not have to deal with. Your car doors may now be too small for your straight leg. Your (older) brother may hit on you for more than you can easily supply. At the same time this past year, these areas have shown you new opportunities. Perhaps you acquired a new voice-activated equipment because you are unable to move locally. Or a sister provides support and confidence, while another sibling is the drag.

Soon, the positve expression of Jupiter will move into your fourth house, you will expand your family or home. You will derive great benefit (depending on the condition of your natal Jupiter) through your family and heritage. Your parents will be of help to you, providing some of the confidence and growth that you need. As long as you do not over do the expenditure on the home, next years transit of dour Saturn over this same house will pain you no more than absolutely necessary.

A lot of the time you may be overwhelmed by the daily strife, wishing to withdraw and retreat into some subterranean or sub-oceanic womb. There, through sleep, trance, meditation or medication, you will experience dreams and psychic experiences. This is due to excited unconscious activities in your mind. They may be connected to your difficulty in expressing yourself, because you feel people will think you are nuts if you tell them what is going on in your mind. Also the process is not exactly controllable so the outcome maybe fear-inspiring.

Try to use music, dance and artistic avenues to channel the flow of this unconscious stream of mental energy. Be wary of hidden enemies, and of doing yourself in through drink/drugs or allowing yourself to be taken over by despair of your inability to cope.

MAY: 2000
Late again; me that is. Local travel and lots of communication with neighbourhood committees, relatives and siblings; difficulties on their account with unconscious premonitions and dreams. Possible difficulty sleeping. Unsettled and tumultuous sub-conscious activities make you susceptible to psychic infiltration all month; rest.

There is a lot of confusion within the first week, with unclear or outright deceptive emotions. Money and relationships undergo sudden changes, especially between the 8th and 18th. After the 18th, home and family issues bring up stress with conflict in your self-esteem, social status or with a dominating boss. Either you are a controlling person at work, possibly made so by the demands of the work; or your co-workers may seem childish or ego-centric and require taking down occasionally, either way, coercion and manipulation is encountered in the career. There is trouble to be expected in technological aspects of your career especially around mid-month, as faith in computers, hi-tech avionics electronics and New Age practices are over the top.

Still the world is a little overwhelming, try to get away for meditation/music/dancing breaks.

March 20 - 26: 2000

Your urge to be friendly and harmonious, in your usual compassionate and self-sacrificing way may have led you into some compromising communications over the last few weeks, especially in career and social situations. Either outright lying, dangerously fog-shrouded conversations full of oblique self-referencing nonsense, much like my astrology interpretations (no! I only half-mean that). These communications hopefully were not deals and contracts. Anyhoo, they will unravel and now be seen as the time-wasting wool-gathering exercises that they were. Be that as it may, this week will see some real in-your-face emotional barrages about bosses, at or about work or over your social status.

Money and possessions, which has been boiling hot all last month as an issue and as a place where you have been placing your energy, really becomes the focus of self-identity this week. Your self-esteem is a key element in your life and your possessions, a means of expressing yourself. Values are important to you, including learning to value yourself. You should check to see that what you value is a springboard to growth and creativity, not just a hoarding of physical wealth. Also you may feel that you have to assert your value system, and your ownership.

Responsibilities to siblings, kin and neighbours are seen as restrictive. They may be older or asking you to shoulder their burden. They may be authoritarian or repressive. Also you may have locomotion or commuting problems, as well as difficulty in speech or communicating. At the same time, probably one or more of these areas is showing great growth and opportunity. So there is a stop and go nature to the entire area of communicating and local travel and relations. Staring Friday it will become an extremely active area.

The urge to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life continues. You must seek some refuge in music, art or religious pursuits. The demands of a busy life can feel a little overwhelming during this period resulting in a feeling of wanting to escape. If possible to do so in a responsible manner, you would be wise to slow down and shed as many of your duties as possible. Meditation and reflection may help you feel at peace with yourself and the world. Possible treacherous enemies, difficult illnesses, confinement are indicated over a long period for you now. You also are contemplative, charitable and sympathetic. This is a time of reflection on deep inner concerns. Material success is no longer sufficient, you now need to involve yourself spiritual development. This can be also through art, dancing, music and other less materialistic pursuits. It is difficult to be meditative in loud surroundings, so any method available that will allow retreat to secluded and quiet locales makes sense. Try not to get depressed about any lack of past spiritual efforts, especially do not allow alcohol and drugs be your only method of tuning into your spiritual source. If alienation is a problem, be assertive in setting up the structures that will help you over the dis-attunement.

March 13-19: 2000

This week you start to attract people with your strong ability to express a gentle and compassionate love. They will forgive any confusion in speaking and conversations as you express yourself imaginatively if incorrectly. Do try to be non-evasive, meandering off into fog patches of verbiage. I'll stop here too.

You will, during these last two and next four years be subject to a lot of unconsciously motivated changes. You may experience intuitive flashes, or may initiate or join an unusual institution. It is possible that you will probe the human psyche in an unusual fashion. For those of you who have always experienced a difficulty with change and authority, there is a possibility of (exile of some sort, loss of reputation, restricted independence, accidents, nervous problems) You are highly intuitive, humanitarian and develop metaphysical interests.

You are currently vulnerable to deception and disillusionment because the energies of this transit lead you to discard the more practical side of your nature in favour of a fantasy world. Your common sense has flown out of the window and you yearn for greener pastures. You may find yourself daydreaming of better times, or even taking up a fanatical religious pursuit. Therefore this is not the best time for making life-changing decisions or entering into agreements which demand clear judgement.

This can be a time of great tension. You experience less of the tension if you have built your life on a firm foundation with a healthy balance between responsibility and the need for freedom and change. However, if you have allowed your life to become stuck in tired, rigid routines, this period can be very upsetting. Any area of your life that has become stuck in a rut is open to challenge and you will find it best to face the challenge of changing old patterns and embrace new and exciting plans. A critical period when several aspects of your life will be tested. Think back seven years, what began then, this is testing your identity and self-confidence. Difficulty in career efforts, relating to unexpected changes, especially technological, will be directly related to local travel, siblings and kin, neighbours, and lecturing, speaking and teaching; also communications of all sorts. These problems will vary in intensity over the next eight to ten months.

Your money area shows a lot of initiative and energy, as it has the past month, this will continue until the end of March.

March 6 - 12: 2000

Happy Birthday. You are extremely talkative and into ideas and communication this week, especially about yourself; thinking about your personality and body, and how you project yourself into the world. Unfortunately, much of your thinking, which is more intuition and impression-taking, is not very rigourous, clear-headed, practical or correct. This period, especially until March 15th, will produce many mistakes; mis-spoken and mis-understood contacts resulting in reversals, extra work and missed schedules.

Monday morning is especially a time of some deep thinking about your career and social status. You will be feeling quite ruthless, or your boss will have some sharp and penetrating analysis to discuss with you. Either you have or are a very powerful and controlling boss. Prestige, status and career are driving and transformative areas, there is a life and death aspect to your emotions concerning these areas that will continue until 2008. Quite possibly you have retired, and the transition to a senior retiree involves an ego-death or transformation. If on the other hand you are new to the workforce, or a new position (within the last three years) a transformation is taking place on a daily level that will see an irevocable change when you emerge from the embraces of this transit (2008). Also you will probabbly experience the death of a parent in this 12 year period.

Sleep and dreams, an urge to hide and withdraw into spiritual sanctuaries also characterize your long-term situation. If you are a health-care worker, or somehow connected to institutions, there are opportunities to bring music, art and religion as therapies, as well as the use of new electro-therapies and drug therapies into those venues.

Partnership issues are very iffy and full of misinterpretations. Not a great week altogether, and it stays bad for the next week too.

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