
Horrible huey's Astrology horoscope heaven

The Investigator

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JUNE: 2000

Up and down with the partner thing. One step forward and two steps back. You certainly gain materially but there are strong limitations and delays involved in all partnership issues. You may be exiled from your partner, but they send you money. They may be older or restrictive, but present you with many opportunities and growth. There is a tad too much materialism about this.

There is a lot of action around mutual possessions, sexual intimacy, credit and death and tax es. You may also be drawn to an interest into the occult, the obscure and veiled mysteries of life. Actually Scorpio is always interested in the hidden mysteries and complexities. There are secrets about your family background, upbringing; perhaps loss of a parent or home. Some mysterious conditions, confusing or deceptive abround and about your family. The best may be that you are bringing music, art and religion into your home and family, but may experience problems through this. There is a strong urge to change residence or introduce a lot of technology into the home. An urge to rebel is expressed in your family life. This also causes some concern. It is also related to your partnerships, both personal and business.

As always, money, security and values are the root of your compulsive behaviour. (If you have any). This very long term condition, lasting until 2010 or so, can be alleviated by travel, more education, forays into adventuring, law, publishing and religion. As long as you understand that you must get to the bottom of a subject before you can get to the top of it.

MAY: 2000

Well it probably involves your partner(s) and money. Is that news to you?. Before the 8th it is more about the partner, through whom you gain a lot, and yet also are suffering restrictions, losses and shouldering burdensome responsibilities. This is a onestep forward and one step back, some growth and expansion with your partner and also discipline and structure.

At root it is the values underlying those things which you own and possess. This month shared money is paramount, especially after the 8th. Mortgages, loans, credit cards taxes, sex and death. There are control issues, feelings that are usually related to the survival instincts, like fight or flight, surface whenever money is discussed. This will be a very stressful month with seven planets in your seventh house of relationships, partners (personal and business), professional counsellors and open enemies.

All this conflict feeds into your life through your home, real-estate and family. Related issues are your heritage and family background. There are sudden changes, disruptive and irritating, producing nervous instability. Also especially early in May, emotional and mental confusion, some deception abouit feelings and money. There will be over-expense on hi-tech equipment for the home. There are issues of losing parents or the home, and family secrets. All in all an eventful month. the real bright spot is the positive growth you can internalise if you are prepared, make some good decisions, and stay as real as possible. All the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and aquarius are especially going to be in the line of fire this month. So if you are involved with any of them, know in advance that you two will accentuate each others negative aspects and try to back off. If everyone is dead or bleeding there will be few winners.

APRIL: 2000

Your partners will be more assertive, boistrous and noisy, possibly argumentative and likely very active. They will initiate a lot of your activity. There are occasions, especially around the 20th of the month when accidents in the home are likely, accidents with electricity, handguns and also mechanical accidents including cars. Alcohol and drugs, as well as oils, chemicals and water in the home are going to be involved in some form of impatience, anger and frustration leading to some bad feelings. Early May will be worse.

Anyhow, April in the workplace, or April and your Health is a good theme to dwell on. You should be enjoying some form of service work, actually enjoying the pleasure in menial work. You might meet a romantic possibility through co-workers, and you will be doing a lot of communicating with co-workers or employees, about health and workplace issues. Health problems will be around kidney functions, upper lung, forearm and hands, some heart and spine (until the 20th) and anything above the throat. After the 20th, throat and generative organ infections are possible. Your health could be affected by the anger mentioned above in the first paragraph.

As always for the past three years, money, possessions and the underlying value system that gives meaning to material objects is a source of compulsion/obsession. Control and power issues seem to revolve around money, or be activated in you when money is being discussed. This is not too great a problem right now, but will become a major focus in early 2001 and throughout that year.

March 20 - 26: 2000

Watch for water losses, leaks maybe in the foundations of your home. If you are experiencing financial turmoil, you will be exposed to losing your home, not just this period, but over the past two years and for the next six or seven. Lucky and stable Scorpios are able to channel this difficult energy by using religion, art, music lessons, etc. in the home. Or the idealisation of a home and family is tested by the reality. Less fortunate ones may be introducing alcohol, drugs or some family secrets contribute to deception that may result in the erosion of family stability including the loss of home. Also you may lose a parent over this 8 year period.

The partner(s), through whom you will now experience new growth and opportunities, as you did last summer, are confidence-inspiring and help to overcome the limitations and restrictiveness that you had previously experienced through partnerships before. There is a stop and go quality to this, Perhaps you have several partners, or a present partner and an ex-husband who is still in your life (i.e., through law or the children). You will experience growth through one and of course responsibilities and restraint through the other. An older partner or lack of one is either being replaced with a younger more enthusiastic but less disciplined one. Health and service issues are important this month, Time to examine issues of service and health. How should you manage your daily duties, and details of housework, tasks to be done, efficiency and effectiveness. A good time to review the actual techniques and processes of your daily routine. You have to be careful with work done for someone else. You must submit to someone else's authority, and this is a good time of finding out whether you are able to control your will for the good of a larger effort. Hygiene and diet is highlighted.

March 13-19: 2000

A lot of sincere hard work going down at work, you are really strong in initiative and leadership. You may also have co-workers who are loud or abrasive. Health problems, especially uro-genital or in head, tooth and getting smacked by said abrasive co-workers. Watch out!

There will be pleasure, harmony and money gained through children, sports, creative efforts, investments and romance, as these areas are very much highlighted this month, be careful next week however as you will have some intense emotional responses to financial issues as they relate to the above areas. The dream of home that you wish to provide for your family, is at risk of loss or some subterfuge, perhaps your wishful budgeting is unable to provide the mortgage. You must, especially if you have yet to sign, carefully and realistically review your income. There is just too much self-deception and unfounded euphoria around at the moment. If you have not signed, wait at least until Wednesday, but read the fine print, review your offers. and use some commonsense.

There may be faulty information exchanges with children, lovers and about investments, sports, gambling. Your creative out-basket of events is subject to scheduling mistakes and misunderstandings in the early week. Watch out for lying children. Your partner will be providing a needed confidence and enthusiasm, the growth and opportunities, both personal and business through the partner(s) are also subject to, and have been for many weeks, spendthrift and wasteful expenditures, in and around the home, family. Probably best to retrench.

March 6 - 12: 2000

Surviving? truthfully now. Of course you are, survival is the one thing that Scorpio is all about. So let's move on to topic two. The money and values sector of your life. Talked about this last week. It is not going away. Sometimes it is difficult to recognise a problem because you do not see a problem. You might feel a problem, but if you cannot see it you think it may go away. That's not usually how it works. Talking is Nature's way of making things alright, in a round about fashion. By talking about something, you bring it up into consciousness, and by talking one simultaneously admits to and allows forward movement on a problem. By talking with someone, you admit that you are not insane in believing that you can solve all your own problems. Without any help from you! thank you very much. Until you consciously consent or admit to an obsession or compulsion, no solution can be found. The inner person reacts to this with anxiety, the pressure builds up; between a rock and a hard place, it's just a matter of time until the volcano erupts.

Although I am not traditional in my religious views, so I am unable and unwilling to urge you to take up the cloth; it is through developing breadth of understanding, and the wisdom and the inner peace that goes with it, that you will relinquish the thought of the necessity of hoarding great wealth. Perhaps you can exchange that view for one of a future that is somewhat less monolithic, that depends more on a daily response to events, where if you have your health and skills, you will be able to make a living and be happier in a 'take one day at a time' philosophy. A relentless drive to wealth will often create a person who must have a 40" T.V. in every room, and it is only the maid who ever watches any of them. Or the guy with a huge boat docked somewhere with a live-onboard captain who gets to do all the stuff like fishing off the dock for his supper every night; cause your still in the big city.

Be careful that alcohol, drugs or water are not contributing to a loss of family or home. there are indications that deterioration or deception may surface in your real-estate. You will probably develop family secrets, such as unwed mother, alcoholic father, or the death of a parent over the next five years. there also will be sudden and unexpected changes in your family and place of residence.

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