ASTROLOGY Horoscopes

Horrible huey's Astrology horoscope heaven

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JULY: 2000
July, and the money starts to roll in; or out. Watch the cash flow because for this next year, you will be flush with the 'joy of money', thanx to Jupiter going into your second solar house. However if you are unwise, about this time next year, Saturn will follow suit, and will demand an accounting of the sense and groundedness of all your spending. There will be expansion, growth and opportunity in your values system, as well as actual folding money.
Your weight situation should be getting under control after a year of fattening up, however it is still necessary for this next year to maintain some discipline in this area. Events external to your body are requiring you to apply yourself on a practical daily basis to some task or responsibility that gets you into a routine. Try to attach to this routine a physical fitness and weight control program. Slow and steady.
Communications, commuter, and mobility problems surface this month, as wella s glitches with brothers and sisters, other relatives and neighbours. Any decisions made in these areas, contracts signed before the 17th of July, will be subject to change or will develop problems. Double check all clauses, fine print, preferably wait until after mercury goes direct on the 17th to sign any deals, especially on travel or computer/communications equipment. All written and spoken intercourse is subject to misinformation.
After the 17th, you might consider some interior decorating, you will certainly be in a domestic and family mood, although there may be some tension in this area, for those born before the 6th of May.
Shared resources, taxes, inheritance matters, death, sexual intimacy and credit and mortgages are the areas where you are likely to experience survival issues. These issues will bring to you a sense of struggle, of coming to the brink of Life's abyss, where you stare into the void. Right now this is not generically challenging for Taurus', indeed there may be excessive confidence in these issues, however by 2002 there will be delays, concerns and restrictions here.
Loss of public status, being invisible in your career, a feeling that you are having difficulty in coping in career matters, and the constant changes and innovation in your career are severe challenges to you right now. Unfortunately this will continue for some time. The best way to counteract this is to assertively grasp yourself by the horns. What is happening is the necessity for managed change, to accept more egalitarian, universal principles than Taurus is usually known for. A co-operative and mutually rewarding, but rational even scientific view of the planet as home for all, a cause to be championed, rather than a myopic self-centered opportunism should be your goal. Harness your security instints to a global vision of environmental and democratic integrity. Bring Art, intuition, music and imagination to your career. Embrace change, anticipate it, send your security blanket out for a dry-cleaning.
JUNE: 2000
The new Jupiter Saturn cycle has begun in your sign. There will be a beginning ten year expansionary component followed by a ten year contraction. The last cycle was in Libra in '81. We had the '80's (expansionary) and then the '90's. Although only the first 6 years seemed really contracted. In Libra it was all about relationships; in Taurus it will be about value, possessions and land. Ecological, food chemistry, banking, insurance, agriculture, planet earth. You personally have been going through a year of personal growth as with renewed vigour you project yourself out into the world. This after several years of being in some sort of isolation or retreat. You have had and will still have a practical learning curve to overcome for another year yet. However the payoff is already arriving. Starting in July finances should improve, try not to overdo it, as you are still on rock soil financially for another three years.
There is a great deal of financial activity this month for you. Whether it is having yard sales, and agonising over whether to let go of or buy some furniture or Art work, taking stock of your finances and investing in communications or transport or on-line education. There are some visceral moments, especially around the first week of the month. Your partner could have a few words to say to you about your joint credit cards and other joint financial ventures.
Especially after mid-month there will be lots of local travel and discussions with neighbours and relatives, there are indications of speaking, lecturing or educational activities. Be careful about all contracts that come up after Friday the 23rd of June. Travel arrangements will require double checking as will all small print in signed documents. Try not to sign for the three weeks after this date until Mercury again goes direct.
MAY: 2000
Well, aside from the Birthday thing (Happy Birthday!) it must be about the big Taurus planetary alignment this month and how it will draw attention to you, as a lot of people will be discussing or observing the interactions to see what all the excitement could be about and where the action is coming from. Part of the fall-out is seen in the new activism over International Monetary Fund and associated global banking. The New York demonstration, and also that very earthy reaction to synthesized seeds. I think agriculture will see quite a lot of activity on the political scene. Insurance payouts for natural disasters also will be a part of this alignment because of the link of Insurance to Banking.
Another effect is the weather which is being remarked on in front page stories in some major city newspapers. The environmental changes are causing gardening columns to inform customers that their agriculture climate zone is moving up a full number in some cases, from a 5A to a 6. In others a half number from a 5A to a 5B. This requires a different type of vegetation in the garden or at least allows for a much more tender plant.
This summer should see some good growth and expansion through realestate (which is booming in many locales due to the strong economy). Also those people who renovate, redecorate or in any way profit from land and house sales, should see growth.
There is still some overexpansion of the technology sector that will create problems in your career, however by the end of the month you should have either bought yourself a white elephant, or over the urge to to so. Either way it will be too late to do anything to change it. Do you really need thathi-tech hardware/software? Can you wait a month or two to do more research?
By mid-month money, cash-flow and value, things close to a Taurus' heart are strong issues, not necessarily hard to deal with, but very current and pressing.
And inevitably, sex, death and taxes, mortgages, loans and credit issues and partners financial situation is where the compulsion comes from. It is there that a visceral struggle seems to be centered in your life.
There will be confusion, (self-)deception in career and social status issues until after the first week of May.
APRIL: 2000
Happy Birthday to you also, early Taureans. Possible weight gain will convince you to start a slimming program. This would be a great month to start off with some sort of seclusion and introspection. Withdraw a bit from the fast-pace of your usual daily life and recharge your batteries. Renew yourself with a health spa treat, or better yet, a few days in the country, get the evening and dawn light over hill and dale, not over a freeway.
Taxes, death, sexual intimacy, partner's finances and the profound mysteries of the union of opposites are areas of abject fascination. Get used to it, your nose will be stuck in there for a long time. Another area of pain and consternation is your career. Sudden changes, unexpected; maybe illuminating, vie with confused feelings and a lack of direction. Willpower is thwarted or blunted by those in power, this is a long transit with a long time yet to go, about another seven to ten years. Religious or artistic sentiment or sensibilities and technological or New Age changes are difficult to handle in the career. you are very staid and conservative, which values solid worth; but much of the action now is in the frivolous, the transient, the sizzle.
March 20 - 26: 2000
As Spring really bites, you are energised physically. Either the thought of hitting the beaches in your current shape makes you schedule a physical workout regimen, or just as likely, the great outdoors, gardening and the urge to make some extra income, have you out and about. The quite difficult situation you are having in focussing on and delineating your hopes and goals in life is due to a lack of clarity and unknown factors which challenge judgment. Impracticalities and wishful thinking, a lack of experience and a desire to escape by overlooking problems and avoiding hard decisions, especially in the career and job areas will cause dissipation of assets. Wasting your resources on the frivolous and then being short for the necessaries. Not a pretty sight on a Taurus. Complicating an already disgusting mix of aspects, the exposure to challenging new ideas, especially technological, which require flexibility and sudden improvisation, two voodoo words increase your restlessness. You probably feel that you are not getting where you want to go, and the underlying urge to cut your losses and move on conflicts with the desire for stability. This crisis will deepen all summer. Best bet, keep fluid financially, do not overspend now. By the end of the month some intense emotional and financial angst, over partner's finances, taxes, loans and mortgages, and sexual and deep metaphysical concepts (Life and death).
March 13-19: 2000
Any suppressed energy and frustration results in unconscious assertiveness and possible bullying. A stop and go exhilaration/inhibition in your personal outlook makes for an interesting year ahead. If you can cope with the discipline necessary to maintain priorities, keep up with responsibilities and schedules, you will do well to do so. The main time of confusion and disarray is coming to an end, although you should still not sign anything, without triple checking both the detail and the necessity of the deal until March 15th. There is still a lot of possibly physical problems affecting your career or social status performance, it may also be a lack of confidence. This dual feeling of being great in some areas, lives side by side a sense of inferiority or fear. Only by coming to grips with the necessities of coping with life's struggles on a daily practical level, will you be able to provide the watertight vessel that the vision and confidence that is available, requires to proceed and fill up your life with joy and success.
Professional networking, your circle of friends and working on your plans for the future are several ways to derive comfort, balance and harmony. You should be able to develop a relationship from these areas, and aside from pleasure, possible financial remuneration may come through here also.
Obsessions and compulsions surround issues of sex, death, the infinitely complex metaphysics of the union of opposites, taxes and your partner's finances and possessions. Taurus' are simple creatures of simple pleasures; if you can't eat it, spend it, or take it to bed, does it Really exist? and so to have these relentless psychological penetrations into non-simple areas are seen as time-consuming. Wait 'til next year and the year after.
Sudden changes, technological and otherwise affect your career and self-esteem. This self-esteem thing is taking a bit of a whack anyhow, You possibly feel overwhelmed by the job, and there is a sense of being marginalized, of disappearing before people's eyes. It is very difficult for you to maintain an organised and coherent ego-structure. Chin up.
March 6 - 12: 2000
Still unconsciously aggressive, you are your own worst enemy right now, or your hidden enemies are being very active. Maybe it's just Spring, but hidden desires are in the back of your mind. This past year has seen you focus your attention on very practical if onerous duties. You have been called to task for any inability or lack of discipline in developing a structured approach to daily living. Paying attention to schedules and responsibilities, if you have succeeded, will now see a payout.
There have been problems in your career, and likely (by association) though your home/family and partnerships, both personal and professional. Things may have drifted; lost contacts, woolly thinking and possibly some debilitation either mental or physical has thrown a monkeywrench into the works. Although this week is not 'the' week to pick up again the torch (wait until the 15th of March until signing any contracts), now is a good time to review all pending contracts for details, small print and give some thought to whether there is any possibility of outright deception, or just lack of really clear perception and commonsense.
The area of compulsion and obssession is with shared resources, sexuality, death, taxes and the metaphysical underpinnings of reality. This is a long term issue with you, stretching back five, and forward over eight years. Be careful about making change, and where you leave your possessions and cards.
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